In this study, we measured the blood flow on arm by non-invasive method and implemented a system to measure variation of the blood flow by estimating bio-electrical impedance and arterial pressure according to cuff pressure. The implemented system measured impedance variation according to pressure variation applied by artificial cuff pressure on the measuring position. The system consisted of pressure measuring part and impedance measuring part using 4-electrode method. Pressure measuring part was composed of semiconductor pressure sensor and electronic circuit for signal processing of sensor output signal. In addition, impedance measuring part was composed of constant current source circuit and lock-in amplifier for detecting impedance signal. We conducted experiments of impedance measuring part using standard resistance for performance evaluation of the implemented system. In addition we experimented to estimate variation of the blood flow by measuring impedances of the experimental group. We estimated ratio of the blood flow resistance using mean arterial pressure and variation of the blood flow. As a result the ratio of the blood flow resistance and variation of blood flow were in an inverse relationship with each other and the correlation coefficient was -0.96776.