A Study on the Effect of Original Brand on the Extension of Clothing Product Brand

의류(衣類) 제품(製品)브랜드 확장시(擴張時) 모(母)브랜드의 영향(影響)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

  • Cho, Sung-Hun (Dept. of Fashion Design, Kookmin University) ;
  • Kim, Il (Dept. of Fashion Marketing, Kookmin University)
  • 조성훈 (국민대학교 디자인대학원 의상디자인) ;
  • 김일 (국민대학교 의상디자인학과)
  • Published : 2003.06.30


This study is about the effect of original brand on the evaluation of extended brand in the policy of an enterprise's extending its brand. More specifically, this study investigated to see whether the customers' attitude toward original brand has effect on an extended brand and the width and similarity extent of the brand extension affect a brand which is not similar when another brand is extended. The summary of the demonstrative analysis results are as follows: 1. If the attitude toward original brand becomes more positive, the evaluation of the extended brand will become more positive as well. 2. If the attitude toward original brand becomes more positive, the width of a brand extension will become wider. 3. If customers' attitude toward a original brand is positive, their attitude toward an extended brand will be positive as well although the extended brand is not similar to the original brand. This study proved it is possible for brands to be extended from a original brand under the influence of the original brand even though they are weak in their similarity to their original brand unlike the existing theory which was skeptical about the extension of a brand which is low in its similarity to its original brand and that the success of the extension of a brand does not depend upon its similarity to its original brand.



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