신축공동주택의 기밀성능 실측에 관한 연구

The Field Measurement of Airtightness in the Apartment Buildings

  • 박원석 (호서대학교 건축공학전공) ;
  • 윤재옥 (호서대학교 건축공학전공)
  • 발행 : 2003.09.30


Nowdays the apartment is a main type of modernized residential buildings. According to the improvement of construction techniques and functions of windows and doors, recent apartments are enhanced air tightness of windows, doors and building envelopes. As Infiltration is decreased and natural ventilation is reduced, energy could be saved in winter. However, indoor air quality is bad. The air Infiltration of a building could be enlarged by physical actions, such as building designs, constructions and reduction of air tightness which is caused by aging. This research analyzes and measures with KNS-4000P (Sapporo air tightness measurement) the air tightness of the high rise apartments which is recently constructed and not occupied yet. With depressurization method, the KNS-4000 installed on the window and the indoor air-leakage was measured. At that time, Air come out from the edge of the windows and doors because of the pressure differences between indoor and outdoor. We measure the amount of the air as effective air leakage areas. This method of depressurization takes less time to measure than other methods and is less affected from other conditions. We measured infiltration of total 56 household, 29 households S apartment (total floor area : $64.42m^2$) in Balan and 29 households D apartment(total floor area : $78.21m^2$) in Chonan. As a result of the field measurements at October 2003, normalized leakage area of D apartment in Cheonan was $2.05cm^2/m^2{\sim}3.49cm^2/m^2$ (average: $2.77cm^2/m^2$) and normalized leakage area of S apartment in Balan is $1.23cm^2/m^2{\sim}1.68cm^2/m^2$ (average: $1.5cm^2/m^2$).



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