수소 연료생산의 효율 향상을 위한 초음파 응용에 관한 연구(LSV에 의한 과전압 저감 중심으로)

A Study on the Ultrasonic Application for the Efficiency Elevation of Hydrogen Fuel Production (On the Decrease of Overpotential by LSV)

  • 주은선 (경상대학교 기계항공공학부, 항공기 부품 기술 연구센터, 공학연구원) ;
  • 박영철 (경상대학교 응용화학공학부) ;
  • 송민근 (경상대학교 대학원) ;
  • 손승우 (경상대학교 대학원)
  • Ju, Eunsun (School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Gyeongsang Nat. University, R.R.C. for Aircraft Parts Technology, Engineering Research Institute) ;
  • Park, Youngchul (Division of Applied Chemical Engineering, Gyeongsang Nat. University) ;
  • Song, Mingeun (Graduate School Gyeongsang Nat. University) ;
  • Son, Seungwoo (Graduate School Gyeongsang Nat. University)
  • 발행 : 2003.09.15


The production of hydrogen fuel depends basically on the water electrolysis. The study on the decrease of overpotential which activates the hydrogen production is the core to elevate the hydrogen production efficiency on principle. Characteristics on the overpotential decrease are observed through the micro reaction by ultrasonic in electrolytic cell. For the above, the electrochemical analyzer, i.e., BAS is applied, Experiments with ultrasonic forcing into 4 kinds of solution such as city water, city water plus nitrogen. distilled water, and distilled water plus nitrogen are carried out. And concentrations of KOH are 0%, 10%, 20% and 30%. The basic characteristics of the overpotential decrease are obtained through the analysis by LSV technique in sweep technique. In results, it is clarified that the ultrasonic influences the decrease of overpotential to obtain the efficiency elevation of hydrogen fuel production.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : 한국과학재단


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