A New LMR SG with a Double Tube Bundle Free from SWR

  • 발행 : 2003.12.01


To resolve the concern of the SWR possibility in LMR and improve the economic feature of LMR, relative performance of various SG designs using a double tube bundle configuration is evaluated and a new SG design concept is proposed. The new steam generator design houses two tube bundles that are functionally different and its tube bundle region is radially divided into two. It prevents the occurrence of sodium water reaction while sodium is still used as the coolant for the primary heat transport system. The feasibility of the SG with a double tube bundle for actual use in an LMR plant is evaluated by setting up the skeleton of the NSSS for various possible configurations of the SG tube bundles. The evaluation revealed the relative advantages and disadvantages of the configurations and the new SG design concept performs good and can be actually used in an LMR plant.



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