Development of a Quality Assurance Safety Assessment Database for Near Surface Radioactive Waste Disposal

  • Park J.W. (Nuclear Environment Technology Institute) ;
  • Kim C.L. (Nuclear Environment Technology Institute) ;
  • Park J.B. (Nuclear Environment Technology Institute) ;
  • Lee E.Y. (Nuclear Environment Technology Institute) ;
  • Lee Y.M. (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ;
  • Kang C.H. (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ;
  • Zhou W. (Monitor Scientific LLC) ;
  • Kozak M.W. (Monitor Scientific LLC)
  • 발행 : 2003.12.01


A quality assurance safety assessment database, called QUARK (QUality Assurance Program for Radioactive Waste Management in Korea), has been developed to manage both analysis information and parameter database for safety assessment of low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste (LILW) disposal facility in Korea. QUARK is such a tool that serves QA purposes for managing safety assessment information properly and securely. In QUARK, the information is organized and linked to maximize the integrity of information and traceability. QUARK provides guidance to conduct safety assessment analysis, from scenario generation to result analysis, and provides a window to inspect and trace previous safety assessment analysis and parameter values. QUARK also provides default database for safety assessment staff who construct input data files using SAGE(Safety Assessment Groundwater Evaluation), a safety assessment computer code.



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