Diffusion of New Technology on Rice Farming and Linkages between Agricultural Education and Extension

벼농사 신기술 전파와 농업교육 및 농촌지도의 연계

  • 김성수 (서울대학교 농업생명과학대학) ;
  • 이용환 (서울대학교 농업생명과학대학) ;
  • 이변우 (서울대학교 농업생명과학대학)
  • Published : 2003.12.31


The purposes of the study were to; 1) examine the diffusion and adoption of new agricultural technology in rice farming, 2) survey the status of agricultural education institutions on technology transfer, and 3) explore the linkages between agricultural education and extension for more effective reinforcement strategies to further the diffusion and adoption of new agricultural technology in Korea. Literature review, field survey and panel discussions were employed to strengthen the linkages among agricultural education, research and extension in Korea. As the results of analysis of the diffusion and adoption of new agricultural technology in rice farming following recommendations were offered; 1. Extension services have helped Korean farmers in achieving self-sufficiency in rice and year-round supply of green vegetables as well as upbringing rural youth, however, government changed the status of extension educators from central government staff to county/city government staff since 1997. This brought about various problems such as: decreased morale and number of extension educators, thus weakening the extension education function, weakened linkages between national and local extension offices, less opportunity for in-service education of extension educators, and weakened linkages between agricultural research and extension, etc. 2. In order to insure that extension educators are high caliber professional individuals, it is crucial to establish a system that nationally recognizes these individuals as such, and that provides a professional development path. It is important to restore the morale of extension educators to continually achieve the national goals of food production, balanced national development and preservation of environment, at the same time to meet increasing needs of farmers. 3. Because of the critical importance of diffusing innovations to agricultural producers in order to ensure quality and steady food supply, it is crucial that these issues be addressed before the extension service further deteriorates. Further research activities on agricultural extension should be conducted for more effective agricultural extension system in Korea to achieve a greater rural, national and regional development. 4. Research and implementation activities should be emphasized and encouraged to improve the cooperation and collaboration among agricultural education research and extension to better serve farmers' educational and information needs. National level research activities should be encouraged to improve the effectiveness of agricultural technology transfer including internet education programs for farmers in Korea.
