A Study on the Rural Waste Problem and Resolution

농촌쓰레기 관리실태와 해결 방안 연구

  • Published : 2003.12.31


Waste policy instruments such as garbage bag-fee system and recycling policy initiated in 1995 have contributed to the reduction of solid waste generation. Rural areas now produce less amount of solid wastes in terms of per capital than urban areas and as compare to a decade ago. However, most policy efforts since the early 1990s related to waste issue have been concentrated in urban areas. Waste problems in rural areas are not the amount itself, but the specific characteristics which are unique in rural regions. Large portion of solid wastes and farming wastes are being illegally treated and/or burned out. Surveys show that the main reasons for the illegal treatment of rural wastes are th lack of systematic policy tools targeting on them, insufficient financial capacity and man power of local governments, rural people's cognition problem about wastes, among others. This study reviews current features of the treatment of rural solid wastes and provides policy suggestions for the resolution of the problem.
