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- Clinical Toxicology v.37 no.2 Zinc Barceloux, D.G.
- Physiological Reviews v.73 The biochemical basis of zinc physiology Bert, L.;H. Vallee;K.H. Falchuk
- Residue Rev. v.91 The importance of trophic transfer in the bioaccumulation of chemical contaminants in aquatic ecosystems Biddinger, G.R.;S.P. Gloss
- Gastroenterology v.73 Acrodermatitis enteropathica, zinc, and the paneth cell. A case report with family studies Bohane, T.D.;E. Cutz;J.R. Hamilton;D.G. Gall
- Sb. Lek. v.95 Zink in pigmented cells and structures, interactions and possible roles Borovansky, J.
- Nephrol. dial. Transplant. v.12 Percentage of hypochromic red blood cells as predictor of erythropoietic and iron response after i.v. iron supplementation in maintenance haemodialysis patients Braun, J.;K. Lindner;M. Schreiber;R.A. Heidler;W.H. Horl
- J. Inorg. Biochem. v.28 IH NMR studies of heme pocket conformation in zinc-substituted leghemoglobin, a diamagnetic analog of deoxyleghemoglobin Dalvit, C.;L. Tennant;P.E. Wright
- Neurobiol. Dis. v.7 Astrocytes are more resistant than neuros to the cytotoxic effects of increased [Zn(2+)] (i) Dineley, K.E.;J.M. Scanlon;G.J. Kress;A.K. Stout;I.J. Reynolds
- Biochemistry v.19 Zinc uptake and distribution Xenopus laevis oocytes and embryos Falchuk, K.H.;M. Montorzi;B.L. Vallee
- J. Pediatr. Gastroenterol. Nutr. v.27 Elevated intakes of zinc in infant formulas do not interfere with iron absorption on premature infants Friel, J.K.;R.E. Serfass;P.V. Fennessey;L.V. Miller;W.L. Andrews;B.S. Simmons;G.F. Downton;P.G. Kwa
- J. Environ. Qual. v.18 Heavy metal accumulation in small mammals following sewage sluge application to forests Hegstrom, L.J.;S.D. West
- Chemosphere v.47 no.10 Bioavailability of zinc in runoff water from roofing materials Heijerick, D.G.;C.R. Janssen;C. Karlen;I.O. Wallinder;C. Leygraf
- Acta. Histochem. v.89 Histochemical localization of zinc and copper in rat ocular tissues Hirayama, Y.
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- Ann. Otol. Rhinol. Laryngol. v.108 Localization of zinc in the rat submandibular gland the effect of its deficiency on salivary secretion Ishi, K.;M. Sato;M. Akita;H. Tomita
- J. Nutr. v.126 Metallothionein Ⅰand Ⅱ protect against zinc deficiency and zinc toxicity in mice Kelly, E.J.;C.J. Quaife;G.J. Froelick;R.D. Palmiter
- Chemoshere v.41 Tissue, sex and age specific accumulation of heavy metals(Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd) by populations of the mole (Talpa europaea L.) in a central urban area Komarnicki, G.J.
- Clin. Chem. v.45 Zinc protoporphyrin : A metabolite with a mission Labbe, R.F.;H.J. Vreman;D.K. Stevenson
- J. Environ. Qual. v.18 Heavy metal concentrations during ten years of sludge treatment to an old-field community Levine, M.B.;A.T. Hall;G.W. Barrett;D.H. Tayler
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- Mol. Reprod. Dev. v.36 Zinc, iron, and copper contents of Xenopus laevis oocytes and embryos Nomizu, T.;K.H. Falchuk;B.L. Vallee
- Ecotoxicol Environ. Saf. v.52 no.3 Heavy Metal(Pb, Zn, Cd, Fe, and Cu) Contents of Plant Foliage near the Anvil Range Lead/Zinc Mine, Faro, Yukon Territory Pugh, R.;D. Dick;A. Fredeen
- Biol. Trace. Elem. Res. v.23 Zinc, iron, vitamin E and erythrocyte stability in the rat Record, I.R.;S.E. MacQueen;I.E. Dreosti
- Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf. v.52 no.3 Heavy metals in aquatic bryophytesfrom the Ore mountains (Germany) Samecka-Cymerman, A.;K.K. Kempers
- Exp. Eye Res. v.56 X-ray microanalysis of ocular melanin in pigs maintained on normal and low zinc diets Samuelson, D.A.;D. Smith;R.J. Ulshafer;D.G. Hendricks;R.D. Whitley;H. Hendricks;N.C. Leone
- Comp. Biochem. Physiol. C. Toxicol. Pharmacol. v.133 no.4 Inhibition of carbonic anhydrase in the gills of two euryhaline crabs, allinectes sapidus and Carcinus maenas, by heavy metals Skaggs, H.S.;R.P. Henry
- Brain Res. v.852 Histochemically-reactive zinc in amyloid plaques, angiopathy, and degenerating neurons of Alzheimer's diseased brains Suh, S.W.;K.B. Jensen;M.S. Jenden;D.S. Silva;P.J. Kesslak;G. Danscher;C.J. Frederickson
- Mol. Reprod. Dev. v.42 Xenopus lipovitellin I is Zn (2+)- and Cd (2+)-binding protein Sunderman, F.W.Jr.;K. Antonijczuk;A. Antonijczuk;S. Grbac-Ivankovin;A.H. Varghese;G. Korza;J. Ozols
- Lab. Anim. v.34 Determination of major and trace elements in the liver of Wistar rats by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry and mass spectrometry Takahashi, S.;I. Takahashi;H. Sato;Y. Kubota;S. Yoshida;Y. Muramatsu
- Exp. Eye Res. v.38 Tapetum lucidum in the pigmented and albino ferret Tjalve, H.;A. Frank
- J. Leukoc. Biol. v.64 The significance of zinc for leukocyte biology Wellinghausen, N.;L. Rink
- Environ. Toxicol. Chem. v.21 no.9 Acute and chronic toxicology of zinc to mottled sculpin Cottus bairdi Woodling, J.;S. Brinkman;S. Albeke