Child Health Nursing Research
- Volume 9 Issue 2
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- Pages.149-161
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- 2003
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- 2287-9110(pISSN)
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- 2287-9129(eISSN)
An Analysis of Nursing Research related to the Mother-Child Interaction in Korea
모아상호작용 관련 간호연구 분석
- Oh Jina (department of nursing, Inje University) ;
Lee Ja-Hyung
(College of Nursing Science, Ewha Womans university)
- Published : 2003.04.01
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identified patterns and trend of studies and to analyzed the nursing research related to the mother-child interaction in Korea and to improve direction of nursing research in mother-child interaction in Korea. Method: The research studies related to the mother-child interaction were selected from the Korean Nurses Academic Society Journal, and from dissertation, which were conducted between 1961 and 2002 with the consideration of the condition and the cultural specialty of Korea. The total numbers of the studies were 34. These studies were classified according to 1)time of publication or presentation, 2)research design, 3)type of interaction objects, 4)measurement tool, and 5)chief content of studies. Ressult: 1) Until 1984, there was no research studies related to mother-child interaction. The number of studies on the mother-child interaction on the mother-child interaction has been increased rapidly after 1985. The mother-child interaction studies were 13(38.2%) from the doctoral dissertation, 4(11.8%) from the Master's theses and 17(50%) other papers were published in academic journals. 2) Experimental studies of research design was used in these research studies was 13(38.2%). Descriptive studies was 8(23.6%), correlational studies was 4(11.8%) and comparative studies was 4(11.8%). Qualitative study was just one(2.9%) and literature review was 4(11.8%). Especially experimental studies has been increased. 3) Participants of these studies were mother and infant 29(85.5%), father and infant 2(5.9%), mother and fetus 2(5.9%) and nurse and infant 1(2.9%) 4) Utilization of instruments as follows: 13 studies used Walker et al(1986)'s MIPIS (Mother-Infant Play Interaction Scale), 6 studies used Barnard(1978)'s NCAFS (Nursing Child Assessment Feeding Scale), 4 studies used NCATS(Nursing child Assessment Teaching Scale) for assessing mother-infant interaction. 3 studies used Stainton(1981)'s Parent-Infant Interaction Scale. Choi(1987), Kim(1999) and Kim and Son(1997) used measurement tool researcher made which was modified from NCATS (Nursing child Assessment Teaching Scale) and AMIS(Assessment of Mother-Infant Sensitivity Scale). Other tools used to survey influencing factors of interaction. 5) Content of the research studies were classified 3 different types, such as ① studies about the mother-child interactions' pattern, ② studies about influencing factors of the mother-child interaction, ③ studies about effect of nursing intervention program to improve the mother-child interaction. Conclusion: Therefore we make following suggestions which are made based on the above research analysis : 1) In the future research studies need to compare with other area of discipline in mother-child interaction. 2) More attention and in depth research is needed to validate in terms of research design and statistical data analysis. 3) It is important to develop the instruments which is culturally acceptable in Korea society. 4) The results of correlational studies and experimental studies needs to the integrated by meta analysis.