A Study on the Relationship between Outsourcing Risks and Performance for Contractors

수주자 관점에서의 정보기술 아웃소싱 위험요소와 성과와의 관계에 관한 연구

  • 양경식 (안양대학교 정보통계학과) ;
  • 김현수 (국민대학교 정보관리학부)
  • Published : 2003.12.31


Recently, IT outsourcing has been one of the major concerns of many companies. This study proposes a model which composed the outsourcing planning and operational risks affecting the outsourcing performance. Especially, this study focused on the contractors perspective, because the outsourcing risk relative researches are recently performed on the service receivers perspective, contractors perspective researches were relatively lacked. The result of this study, outsourcing planning risks had not affected the outsourcing performance but it had positively affected the operational risks. And also, the outsourcing operational risks had negatively affected the outsourcing performance. For this reason, It is necessary to reduced planning risk induction for the outsourcing performance improvement. Because the planning risks positively affect the operational risks, it is necessary to reduced planning risk induction for the outsourcing performance improvement.



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