애기수영이 우점한 고랭지 목초지에 제초제의 처리가 잡초방제 및 목초생육에 미치는 영향

Effect of Herbicide Application on Weed Control and Forage Production in Alpine Grassland Predominated with Red Sorrel(Rumex acetosella L.)

  • 김영근 (농촌진흥청 축산기술연구소) ;
  • 정종원 (농촌진흥청 축산기술연구소) ;
  • 최연식 (농촌진흥청 축산기술연구소) ;
  • 임영철 (농촌진흥청 축산기술연구소) ;
  • 한성윤 (농촌진흥청 축산기술연구소) ;
  • 나기준 (농촌진흥청 축산기술연구소)
  • Kim, Y.K. (National Livestock Research Institute, R.D.A.) ;
  • Chung, C.W. (National Livestock Research Institute, R.D.A.) ;
  • Choi, Y.S. (National Livestock Research Institute, R.D.A.) ;
  • Lim, Y.C. (National Livestock Research Institute, R.D.A.) ;
  • Han , S.Y. (National Livestock Research Institute, R.D.A.) ;
  • Na, K.J. (National Livestock Research Institute, R.D.A.)
  • 발행 : 2003.10.31


강원도 대관령지역의 목초지에 발생하는 광엽잡초 중의 하나인 애기수영의 방제에 우수한 약제 이용을 위한 예비선발 결과 경엽처리 제초제는 MCPP 액제를, 토양처리 제초제로는 펜디유제를 선발하였다. 경엽처리제인 MCPP액제 처리시 방제효과는 500$m\ell$/10a를 처리시가 77.2%, 750$m\ell$/10a 처리시가 82.8%의 방제효과를 나타내었다. 그러나 지상부 고사로 형성된 나지를 통해 출아한 애기수영의 개체수가 무처리구에 비해 4배 이상이었다. 애기수영이 우점한 목초지에 펜디유제를 처리한 결과 애기수영의 rhizome의 생육억제에는 전혀 효과가 없었으나 초지를 전면 갱신한 후 펜디유제를 300$m\ell$/10a를 처리한 결과 83.0%의 애기수영 종자의 발아억제 효과를 나타내었다. 경엽처리제인 MCPP 액제와 토양처리제인 펜디유제를 연계처리시 MCPP 액제 500$m\ell$/10a와 750$m\ell$/10a의 농도로 먼저 처리한 처리구의 애기수영 방제효과가 각각 90.0%와 86.3%로 MCPP 액제를 나중 처리한 처리구의 66.7%와 78.3%보다 높았다. 지하부를 통해 재생하는 애기수영의 방제를 위해 MCPP 액제를 750$m\ell$/10a 농도로 20일 간격으로 2회 처리시 93.2%의 높은 방제가를 나타내었으며 목초의 수량도 높았다. 목초 중 MCPP 액제의 잔류량은 약제처리 20일째 500$m\ell$/ 10a 처리시 0.033ppm, 1000$m\ell$/10a 처리시 0.081 ppm을 나타내었으며, 펜디유제 잔류량은 약제처리 후 20일째 300$m\ell$/10a 처리시 0.07ppm, 600$m\ell$/10a 처리시 0.31ppm으로 두 약제 공히 잔류허용기준 0.5ppm 미만이었다.

Red sorrel, as one of exotic weeds in Korea, was introduced along with imported cereals for concentrate feed or within the seed for forage production. The plant was dominated in grassland and reduced the quality of forage. In particular, this weed cause severe problem in alpine grassland. This study was carried out to investigate the effect and response of red sorrel and forage crops by foliar and soil applied herbicide application. Mecoprop(MCPP) and pendimethaline were selected by pre-field experiment trials and applied to control the red sorrel in grassland. Herbicidal activity of MCPP was 77.2% at 500$m\ell$/10a level and 82.8% at 750$m\ell$/10a level. However, seeds of red sorrel from bare land formed after foliar applied herbicide treatment were germinated and covered bare land. Pendimethalin was not reduced the rhizome growth grown from red sorrel root but retarded seedling growth of germinated red sorrel. The herbicidal activity of pendimethalin to the red sorrel seedling was 83.0%. 2 times application of MCPP at the rate of 750$m\ell$/10a was effective to control of red sorrel regrown from root and herbicidal activity was 93.2%. MCPP and pendimethaline treatment was not reduced growth of grass and have no herbicidal injury to forage crop seedling. Amount of MCPP and pendimethalin remained in grass plant was decreased from 20 days after herbicide treatment and could not be problem in livestock feeding.



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피인용 문헌

  1. The Effects of Improvement of Botanical Composition Technology Application on Botanical Composition and Dry Matter Productivity in Rumex acetosella Dominated Hilly Pasture vol.36, pp.2, 2016,
  2. Flora and Vegetation of Hilly Pasture in Daegwallyeong vol.35, pp.3, 2017,