Development of Performance Measurement Model for B2B e- Marketplace using BSC

BSC를 이용한 B2B e-Marketplace 성과평가 모형 개발

  • Published : 2003.12.01


This paper suggests the process of performance measurement system development for B2B e-Marketplace using BSC (Balanced Scorecard). As the first step, main features and factors affecting performance of e-Business company and especially of B2B e-Marketplaces were derived based on the literatures. For the 2nd step, the nonnative performance measurement model for B2B e-Marketplace was suggested. Especially, the research range that the model covers is restricted to the neutral and systematic sourcing B2B e-Marketplace. And, the performance measurement model was based on BSC, for the BSC is very powerful and sound tool among all the available performance measurement systems. Also, the model was based on the AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) to make the model more structured, and to draw weights of performance measures from experts



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