무릎관절 골관절염이 있는 개에서 침술 적용 효과에 대한 역학적 보행분석 1례

Kinetic Gait Analysis of a Dog with Knee Osteoarthiritis Treated with Acupuncture

  • 발행 : 2003.12.01


Force plate analysis was used to describe the effect of acupuncture on right knee osteoarthritis (OA) in a seven-year-old hound breed dog weighing 27 kg. The acupuncture treatment was performed twice a week for 3 weeks. Ground reaction forces (GRFs) and subjective clinical scores in both hind limbs were obtained prior to and 72 hours after each treatment. Right vertical peak force was increased as the dog was acupunctured. Although their sensitivity was lower than that of the GRF data, the subjective clinical scores reflected an improvement. In addition, vertical peak force of normal left hind limb was also increased during this trial. These results indicate that gait analysis may be valuable objective method in future evaluation of acupuncture for OA of the stifle joint.



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