모듈형 복합재 전두부가 적용된 알루미늄 차체의 구조해석 연구

A Study on Structural Analysis of An Aluminum Bodyshell with A Modular Front End Made of Composite Materials

  • 발행 : 2003.12.01


In this study, an aluminum bodyshell with a modular front end made of composite materials is numerically evaluated applying the standard specifications for the urban EMU (Electric Multiple Unit) train. Structural analyses under compressive load, torsional load and free vibration satisfy the standard specifications, but analysis under normal load doesn't. By the way, the aluminum bodyshell of the car except the modular front end is almost same to that of the Korean standard EMU, which satisfy the standard specifications. It is presumed that the stiffness of the modular front end made of composite materials has some influence on the strength of the aluminum bodyshell.



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