재활용행동에 관한 연구 : 규범적 접근을 중심으로

The Impacts of Social Norms and Personal Ethics on Recycling Behavior

  • 유두련 (대구가톨릭대학교 생활환경학전공) ;
  • 김정희 (안동대학교 가정관리학) ;
  • 박영미 (대구가톨릭대학교 생활환경학전공)
  • 발행 : 2003.12.01


The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of social norms and personal ethics on recycling behavior. For this purpose, survey data from four hundred and fifty seven individuals were collected and analyzed using an SPSS program. The major findings were as follows: First, social norms had a positive impact on personal ethics and recycling behavior. Second, personal ethics significantly affected recycling behavior. Third, awareness of the consequences of recycling behavior (AC) and ascription of responsibility for environmental problems(AR) did not significantly translate personal ethics into actual recycling behavior. Fourth, ascription of responsibility for environmental problems(AR) and awareness of consequences of recycling behavior(AC) affected recycling behavior. These results suggest that in order to encourage recycling behavior, it is necessary to inform and educate the public so as to enhance social norms and personal ethics.



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