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- 이화여자대학교 대학원 석사학위논문 시설보호 아동과 일반아동의 사회적 기술, 정서 조망능력과 자기역량 지각의 비교 한상경
- Child Development v.59 Home environment and school performance : A ten-year follow-up and examination of three models of environmental action Bradley,R.;Caldwell,B.
- Attachment and loss Ⅲ Bowlby,J.
- Child Development v.63 Family-peer connections : The role of emotional expressiveness within the family and children's understanding of emotions Cassidy,J.;Parke,R.;Butkovsky,L.;Braungart,J.
- The antecedents of self-esteem Coopersmith,S.
- Journal of Nonverbal Behavior v.17 Socialization of emotion pathway to preschoolers' emotional and social competence Denham,S.A.;Grout,L.
- Merrill-Palmer Quarterly v.40 Affective expression in the family, children's understanding of emotions and their interaction with others Dunn,J.;Brown,J.
- Cognition and Emotion v.9 The relation of young children's vicarious emotional responding to social competence, regulation and emotionality Eisenberg,N.;Fabes,R.A.
- Child Development v.56 The development of personalized inferences : understanding other people's emotional reaction in light of their prior experiences Gnep,J.;Gould,M.E.
- Handbook of child psychology, Socialization, personality and social development v.4 Developmental perspectives on the self-esteem Harter,S.;E.M.Hetherington(ed.)
- Manual for the self-perception profile for children(Revision of the perceived competence scale fro children) Harter,S.
- Perceptions of competence and incompetence across the life-span Causes, correlates and the functional role of global eslf-worth : A life-span perspective Harter,S.;J.Kollogan(ed.);R.Sternberg(ed.)
- Object relations theory and clinical psychoanalysis Kernberg,O.
- American Educational Research Journal v.12 no.2 Relationships between academic achievement and personality characteristics Kifer,E.
- Texas Tech University Dissertation Emotional Intelligence : implications for individual performance Laura,T.L.
- Doctoral dissertation. California Institute of Integral Studies Family functioning, sibling relation-ships, and a child's self-esteem Manning,P.C.
- EQ : 감성지능학습법 Mayer,J.D.;Salovey,P.;홍명희(역)
- The Educational Forum v.61 Homeless children : Are they being prepared for the future? Pawlas,G.
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology v.57 From self-concept to self-worth : On the sources and structure of global self-esteem Pelham,B.W.;Swann,W.B.
- Building self-esteem : administrator's guide Reasoner,R.W.
- Doctoral Dissertation, Biola University The relationship of self-controlling skills to personal and social adjustment in elementary school-aged children Rose,A.
- Society and adolescent Rosenberg,M.
- Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry v.41 no.2 Institutional Care : Risk from family background or pattern of rearing? Roy,P.;Rutter,M.;Pickles,A.
- Children's understanding of emotion Saami,C.;Harris,P.
- Imagination, Cognition and Personality v.9 no.3 Emotional Intelligence Salovey,P.;Mayer,J.D.
- Emotional development and emotional intelligence : Educational implications Salovey,P.;Sluyter,D.J.
- Journal of Developmental Psychology v.17 Sibling relationships in childhood : Links with friendships and peer relationships Stocker,C.;Dunn,J.
- Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry v.39 no.2 A Comparative Study of Greek Children in Long-Term Residential Group Care and in Two-Parent Families : Ⅰ. Social, Emotion, and Behavioral Difference Vorria,P.;Rutter,M.;Pickles,A.;Wolkind,S.;Hobsbaum,A.
- Journal of Experimental Child Psychology v.33 Intermodal perception of expressive behaviors by human infants Walker,A.S.
- Merrill-Palmer Quartely v.21 Critical influences in the origins of competence White,B.