양동마을 서백당과 관가정의 간 특성

  • Published : 2003.12.01


The purpose of this study is to reveal the characteristics of Kan as a compositional unit in relation with its usage, building base, structural system, and roofing system in Seo Baek Dang and Gwan Ga Jeong. The results are as follows: Seo Baek Dang and Gwan Ga Jeong share a common characteristics: Kan module forms the plan to be 1:1 in shape and enables flexibility in usage and regularity in compositional aspect. In Seo Baek Dang, there are active level differences in base, room floor levels and column heights to achieve intended roof design while minimizing the deviation of module (500 mm) of four sides enclosing the an-madang (inner courtyard) and, in Gwan Ga Jeong, instead of differentiating levels, maximizing the module control (up to 1,560 mm) and lowering the roof slope are found. They are regarded resulting in a rather plane manner. Through a comparative analysis, it is found out that these two houses have a common characteristics of Kan to form a quadrate plan while they have differences both in conceptual and tectonic manner that is 'how to build a house' in similar conditions of region, period and society. In addition, Kan as a module is clarified to have a relative value that regulates both structural and aesthetical aspects.



  1. 대한건축학회논문집 v.2 no.2 한국전통민가의 · 間 · 특성에 관한 연구 강영환
  2. 양동민속마을 정비계획조사보고서 경주시
  3. 문화재수리보고서(경북;경남;제주 편) 문화재관리국
  4. 향단 실측조사보고서 문화재청
  5. 안동 양진당 실측조사보고서 문화재청
  6. 경주 무첨당 실측조사보고서 문화재청
  7. 한국건축양식론 정인국
  8. 안동 하회기와집의 유형 이강훈
  9. 중국 고전건축의 원리 李允鉢;이상해(외 공역)
  10. Architecture: Form, Space & Order Ching;Francis D.K.