A Study on the Extraction of Assessment Items of the Sustainability in the Multifamily Housing

공동주택 지속가능성 평가항목 선정에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2003.12.01


The environmental problems aren't only restricted in single area or country, but also related in all around the world. Various approaches have been tried to protect and utilize properly the environment. Especially, building area has been attempted to provide the model which could explain the degree of environmental influence and technology development criteria to lessen the environmental impact in building life cycle. The environmental impact in the building life cycle can be overally explained with sustainability. Sustainability can be utilized to establish the target level of building to environmental influence. This paper aimed at extracting items to evaluate the building sustainability, divided into social, economic and environmental aspects. First, 93-items is extracted from 3 areas through existing literature review. Second, the 93-items would be controlled and reviewed into 21 items, which are five social aspect items, two economic aspect items and twelve environmental items, because 93 items can not properly be applied and evaluated. And, it provided the model to combine the extracted items of each area. In social aspect, the outdoor noise is more affect than any other items. In environmental aspect, the item of surface-to-volume is more affect than any other items.



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