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- 대한미생물학회지 v.27 no.4 1991년 한국의 콜레라 유행기간중 분리된 V. cholerae O1의 생화학적성상 및 장독소 유전자에 관하여 유천권;강윤숙;조수열;이영희;김기상;이명원;김호훈;박기덕
- 국립보건원보 v.18 Phage type of Vibrio cholerae cultures isolated in Korea(1980) 이복권;강연숙;정태화
- Bull. Wld. Hlth Org. v.28 Study on the haemolutic activity of El Tor Vibrio Feeley,J.C.;Margaret,P.
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- J. Clin. Microbiol. v.31 Gene encoding zonula occludens toxin (zot) does not occur independently form cholera enterotoxin gene (ctx) in Vibiro cholerae Johnson,J.A.;J.G.Morris,Jr.;J.B.Kaper
- Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci v.90 Accessory cholerae enterotoxin(ace), the third toxin of a Vibiro cholerae virulence cassette Michele,T.;J.E.Galen;J.Michalski;A.Fasano;J.B.Kaper https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.90.11.5267
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- Infect. Immun. v.55 Enterotoxicity of EI Tor-like hemolysin of non-O1 Vibrio cholerae Ichinose,Y.;K.Yamamoto;N.Nakasone;M.J.Tanabe;T.Takeda;T.Miwatani;M.Iwanaga
- Description of a possible new extracellular virulence factor in nontoxigenic Vibrio cholerae O1 v.3 Spira,W.M.;D.A.Sack;P.J.Fedorka-Cray;S.Sanyal;J.Madden;B.McCardell
- 국립보건원보 v.36 플랑크톤 등 해양생물체 및 연안 해·하수에 대한 콜레라균 오염도 및 서식가능성 연구 이복권;강연호;박미선;유재연;김성한;김준영
- 대한감염학회·대한 화학요법학회 추계학술대회 콜레라 : 해양 토착문제 임현술
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- Appl. Environ. Microbiol v.45 no.1 Isolation of V.cholerae serotype Ogawa from Florida estuary Motes,M.L.;S.R.Zywno;A.DePaola;R.E.Becker;M.W.Presnell
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