Predicting Intention to Use the Internet Information Search and Shopping Apparel Among Korean Female Computer Users

  • Nam, Mi-Woo (Dept of Fashion Design, Seokyeong University)
  • 발행 : 2003.12.01


This study was designed to provide a better understanding of Korean female Internet users' intention to search for information regarding apparel goods and to shop for these goods. Shopping orientation, familiarity, and prior purchase experience were seen as influencing the intention to use the Internet for information search. An important aspect in the search habits that a consumer adopts in gathering information for their buying decisions was Internet shopping attitude. The objective was to predict apparel shopping in terms of prior Internet shopping experience, familiarity, intention to search information via the Internet, and shopping orientation. Internet shopping attitude, familiarity, prior purchase experience, and intention to use to search information were significant in predicting Internet apparel shopping. The most important determinants which influenced Internet shopping were attitude toward Internet shopping and intention to search. In considering the results of the present study, one should recognize the inherent limitations associated with generalizing these findings beyond the sample and the consumer products examined which in this study were apparel goods. Also this study focused on female computer users only. Therefore, future research should utilize more broadly based samples and refine the instrument to distinguish among different apparel products. This study does provide some information that should be helpful to retailers targeting the women's online apparel market.



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