지적 활동으로서의 분임조 활동의 평가방법에 관한 사례연구

A Case Study on the Assessment Method for Quality Circle as Knowledge Activity

  • 발행 : 2003.12.01


In order to maximize the effect of TQM in the Korean industry, quality circle activity as a bottom­up management should be expanded and revitalized. Quality circle activity can be regarded as a kind of knowledge activity where new knowledge is created and knowledge is shared in the economy. This paper proposes new metrics of intangible effect as knowledge assessment focusing on the intellectual capital aspect of quality circle activity, that may be useful for revitalizing quality circle activity from viewpoints not only of financial effect but also of intellectual capital aspect. New metrics of intangible effect consist of two factors: the intellectual capital effect and the intellectual maturity effect. In order to test the validity of new metrics, a case study of 11 companies was done. The result of the case study is that two factors as an intangible effect of quality circle activity should be evaluated to identify the total effect of quality circle activity correctly.



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