왕동.황룡강권 개발 기본계획 - 남도만향기행

Development Plan of Wangdong and Hwangryong-River District

  • 발행 : 2003.12.01


There are plenty of ecological and traditional resources around Wandong and the Hwangryong-River district, and so the purpose of this development plan is to preserve ecological resources and traditional culture, and to utilize potential value of recreation in this site. Two major concepts are established in this plan one is “Green-Tourism”, the other is “Blue-Recreation”. In this development plan “Green-Tourism” means the effective tourism using ecological and traditional resources, while “Blue-Recreation” means the active tourism using waterfront and cultural facilities. The concept of “Green-Tourism” is applied to the Wangdong area, which is comprised of 6 theme zones. The concept of “Blue-Recreation” is applied to the Hwangryong-River area, which is composed of 4 theme zones. In total, 10 theme zones are planned according to characteristics found in the regional surroundings and cultural facilities of each zone.



  1. 광주장기종합발전계획 광주광역시
  2. 어등산 역사관광 거점단지조성 기본구상 및 타당성 분석 광주광역시
  3. 자연친화적시범전원도시개발 광주광역시 광산구
  4. Vision 21 광산 기본계획 광주광역시 광산구
  5. 왕동·황룡강권 개발을 위한 기본구상 및 타당성 조사 광주광역시 광산구