남성화장품 광고에 나타난 내용특성 및 소비가치 분석

An Analysis of Change in Consumption Values on Advertisements for Man′s Cosmetics

  • 발행 : 2003.12.01


Under the social conditions that an understanding of a men change socially and men's interests in their appearances are on the increase, this research intends to study and analyze the changes of people's sensibility of values on ads for men's cosmetics, which is said to be performed the social, cultural function reflecting the social consciousness, the value and the idea creating a new one. The documents for the research was sindonga. The documents were analyzed quantitatively in regard of contents of a linguistic expression and a visual expression showing on advertisements for man's cosmetics, a time series analysis. As a result of analyzing the consumption value through headline of an ad, the emotional value took the highest percentage extending whole periods. Beside emotional value, a time series analysis showed that social values appeared to the major themes in the 1970s, and functional values was important themes in 1980s, and the social values and functional values appeared equally during 1990-2002.



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