Fighting Fast Worm Epidemics: Prevention, Detection, and Neutralization

  • Published : 2003.12.01




  1. Analysis of the Sapphire Worm CAIDA
  2. NANOG presentation The spread of the Sapphire/Slammer worm D. Moore;V. Paxson;S. Savage;C. Shannon;S. Staniford;N. Weaver
  3. 11th USENIX Security Symposium How to Own the Internet in Your Spare Time Stuart Staniford;Vern Paxson;Nicholas Weaver
  4. IEEE Infocom Internet Quarantine: Requirements for Containing Self-Propagating Code D. Moore;C. Shannon;G. Voelker;S. Savage
  5. European Institute for Computer Antivirus Research (EICAR) International Conference The Complexities of Viral VB Scripts S. Taylor
  6. VBS Worm Generator
  7. CAIDA analysis of Code Red CAIDA
  8. RFC 1812 Requirements for IPv4 routers F. Baker
  9. Internet Protocol Version 4 Address Space IANA
  10. IEEE Globecom On the Effectiveness of Martian Address Filtering and its Extensions H. Kim;I. Kang
  11. NANOG presentation Internet Expansion, Refinement, and Churn A. Broido;E.Nemeth;K. C. Claffy
  12. Red Hat Linux
  13. RFC 2827 Network Ingress Filtering:Defeating Denial of Service Attacks which employ IP Source Address Spoofing P. Ferguson;D. Senie
  14. Trends in Denial of Service Attack Technology K. Houle;J. Weaver
  15. Technical Report Fast Classification, Calibration, and Visualization of DoS and Scan Attacks for Backbone Links H. Kim
  16. New Security Paradigms Workshop Predators:good will mobile codes combat against computer viruses H. Toyoizumi;A. Kara
  17. Newsbyte
  18. Code Green D. HexXer
  19. Sixth Symp. on Principles of Distributed Computing(Vancouver) Epidemic algorithms for replicated data management A. Demers(et al.)
  20. Techreport Demystifying the killer worm H. Kim