능동 네트워크 기반의 DDoS 공격 대응 기술 동향

  • Published : 2003.12.01




  1. DARPA Active Networks Conference and Exposition(DANCE) 2002 The ASP EE: An Active Network Execution Environment B. Braden(et al.)
  2. BBN Technologies SmartPacket for Active Networks B. Schwartz(et al.)
  3. Using CAR During DOS Attacks Cisco Systems, Inc.
  4. IEEE communications magazine A Survey of Active Network Research D. L. Tennenhous(et al.)
  5. Multimedia Computing and Networking '96 Towards an active network architecture D. L. Tennenhouse(et al.)
  6. IWAN '99 An Active Network Approach to Efficient Network Management D. Raz(et al.)
  7. Proceedings of the DARPA Active Networks Conference and Exposition Active Network Based DDoS Defense D. Sterne(et al.)
  8. IEEE OPENARCH'98 Proc. ANTS:A Toolkit for Building and Dynamically Deploying Network Protocols D. Wetherall(et al.)
  9. IWAN'01 An Active-Network-Powered Defense Mechanism against DDoS Attacks Eric Y. Chen
  10. Proceedings of BSDCon Resisting SYN flood DoS attacks with SYN cache Jonathan Lemon
  11. Architectural Framework for Active Networks K. Calvert(et al.)
  12. IEEE INFOCOM '98 Active Reliable Multicast L. H. Lehman(et al.)
  13. IEEE INFOCOM '99 Planet: An Active Internetwork M. Hicks
  14. CNET News.com Glitch, attack hit Microsoft Web Sites R. Lemos
  15. 37th Annual Allerton Conference Bowman and CANEs: Implementation of an Active Network S. Marugu(et al.)
  16. IEEE Network ACC: Active Congestion Control T. Faber
  17. Master's thesis, MIT A defense against address spoofing using active networks Van C. Van
  18. 액티브 네트워크 기반 네트워크 보안 기술동향 이수형;나중찬;손승원
  19. DDoS 공격도구 분석 이철호
  20. KNOM Review 웹기반의 실시간 인터넷 트래픽 흐름 측정 및 분석 최연숙;김재영;홍원기