- 환경백서 광주광역시
- 지하수조사연보 건설교통부
- 한국지구과학회지 v.20 광주광역시 지하수에 대환 환경오염실태와 지구화학적 특성 연구 박천영;신인현;안건상;이창신;정연중;최낙철
- 전남대 박사학위논문 국내 화강암질 및 해수 침투지역의 지하수 오염에 관한 환경지구화학적 연구 박희열
- 광주지역 지하수 오염 개선 연구 성익환;조병욱;이봉주;이춘오;이병대;류충렬;윤욱;김통권;임현철;음철헌;지세정;전치완;송경선;이병태;이종철;김경수;김상연;성기성
- 과학기술처, KR-95(B)-14 현장수질분석 시스템 개선 및 체계화 연구 송덕영;박진태;김상연
- 한국지하수토양환경학회지 v.6 광주 본촌지역의 지하수의 수화학적 특성과 오염 양해근;김인수;최희철;김정우
- 고려대 석사학위 논문 Effect of lnd-use characteristics on urban groundwater quality, Seoul metropolitan city, Korea 유순영
- 한국지하수토양환경학회지 v.7 광주광역시 지하수의 수리지화확적 특성연구 이인호;조병욱;이병대;성익환;임용수
- 자원환경지질 v.32 경북 청송지역 달기 탄산약수의 지화학적 수질 특성과 생성 기원 정찬호;정기영
- Use of multiple isotope tracers to ebaluate denitrification in groundwater: case study of nitrate from a large-flux Aravena,R.;Robertson,W.D.
- Quaternary Research v.37 Carbon isotope composition of lake sediments in relation to lake productivity and radiocarbon dating Aravena,R.;Warner,B.G.;MacDonald.G.M.;Hanf,K.I.
- SWS Contract Report 374 Practical guide for groundwater sampling Barcelona,M.J.;Gibb,J.P.;Helfrich,J.A.;Garske,E.E.
- J. Hydrol. v.114 Using isotope fractionation of nitrate-nitrogen and nitrate-oxygen for evaluation of microbial denitrification in a sandy aquifer Bottcher,J.;Strebel,O.;Voerkelius,S.;Schmidt,H.L.
- J. Human Evol. v.21 Fossil soils, grasses, and carbon isotopes from Fort Ternan, Kenya: grassland or woodland Cerling,T.E.;Quade,J.;Ambrose,S.H.;Sikes,N.E.
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science
A method for nitrate collecion for
${\delta}^{15}$ N and${\delta}^{18}$ O analysis from waters with low nitrate conncentrations Chang,C.C.;Langston,J.;Riggs,M.;Campbell,D.H.;Silva,S.R.;Kendall,C. - Environmental isotopoes in hydrogeology Clark,I.D.;Fritz,P.
- Anal. Chem. v.54 Reduction of water with zinc for hydrogen isotope analysis Coleman,M.C.;Sheperd,T.J.;Durham,J.J.;Rouse,J.E.
- Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta v.3 The geochemistry of stable carbon Isotopes Craig,H.
- Handbook of Environmental Isotope Geochemistry, Volume 1, The Terrestrial Environment The isotopic composition of reduced organic carbon Deines,P.;P.Fritz(ed.);J.Fontes(ed.)
- Acta carsologica v.29 no.1 A stable isotope investigation of the classical karst aquifer: Evaluating karst groundwater components for water quality predentation Doctor,D.H.;Lojeni,S.;Horvati,M.
- Applied hydrogeology Fetter,C.W.
- Anal. Chem. v.62 Combustion tube method for measurement of nitrogen isotope ratios using calcium oxide for total removal of carbon dioxide and water Kendall,C.;Grim,E.
- Biogeochemistry of Seasonally Snow-Covered Catchments, Intern. Assoc. Hydrol. Sci., Proceedings Tracing sources of nitrate in snowmelt runoff using the oxygen and nitrogen isotopic compositions of nitrate Kendall,C.;Campbell,D.H.;Burns,D.A.;Shanley,J.B.;Silva,S.R.;Chang,C.C.Y.;K.Tonnessen(ed.);M.Williams(ed.);M.Tranter(ed.)
- Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta v.61 Intermittent denitrification: the application of a 15N natural abundance method to a forested ecosystem Koba,K.;Tokuchi,N.;Wada,E.;Nakajima,T.;Iwatsubo,G.
- CSIRO Land and Water, Technicl Report 27 Stream-Groundwater Interaction: The River Murray at Hattah-Kulkyne Park, Victori: Summary of Results Lamontagne,S.;Leaney,F.;Herczeg,A.
- Handbook of Environmental Isotope Geochemistry v.1 Nitrogen-15 in the natural environment Letolle,R,;Fritz,P.(ed.);Fontes,J.Ch.(ed.)
- Environmental Chemistry Manahan,S.E.
- Geochim. Cosmochim. Acts v.52 15N isotope biogeochemistry and natural denitrification process in groundwater: Application to chalk aquifer of northern France Mariotti,A.;Landreau,A.;Simon,B.
- Biogeochemistry v.57;58 Sources of nitrate in rivers draining sixteen watersheds in the northeastern U.S.: Isotopic constraints Mayer,M.;Boyer,F.;Goodale,C.;Jaworski,N.A.;Bremenn,N.V.;Howarth,R.;Seitzinger,S.;Billen,G.;Lajtha,K.;Nadekhoffer,K.;Dam,D.V.;Hetling,L.J.;Norsal,M.;Paustian,K.
- Limnology v.3 Escape of volcanic gas into shallow groundwater systems at Unzen Volcano (Japan): evidence from chemical and stable carbon isotope compositions of dissolved inorganic carbon Ohsawa,S.;Kazahaya,K.;Yasuhara,M.;Kono,T.;Kitaoka,K.;Yusa,Y.;Yamaguchi,K.
- TNO-report NITG 00-143-B A new proess-based hydro-geochemical classification of groundwater Pannatier,E.G.;Broeers,H.P.;Venema,P.;Beusekom,G.
- Illinos Groundwater consortium Conference Application of nitrogen and oxygen isotopes to identify sources of nitrate Roadcap,G.S.;Hackley,K.C.;Hwang,H.H.;Johnson,T.M.
- Redox Schring,J.(ed.);Schulz,H.D.(ed.);Fisher,W.R.(ed.);Bottcher,J.(ed.);Guijnisveld,W.H.M.(ed.)
- Natural Process Effecting Water Composition in the Taieri Region Scott,H.
- Jour. of Hydrol. v.228 A new method for collection of nitrate from fresh water and the analysis of nitrogen and oxygen isotope ratios Silva,S.R.;Kendall,C.;Wilkison,D.H.;Ziegler,A.C.;Chang,C.C.Y.;Avanzino,R.J.
- Jour. of Hydrol. v.124 Salinity and evaporation in the River Murray basin, Australia Simpson,H.J.;Herczeg,A.L.
- Water Resources Investigations Roport 99-4200 Interaction of streams and ground water in selected tributaries of the Republican river, Nebraska, 1998-99. Steele,G.V.
- PhD. Thesis, Vrije Universiteit Hydrochemistry and hydrology of the coastal dune area of the Western Netherlands Stuyfzand,P.J.
- 7th Symposium on Water Tracing, Acta Carsologica v.24 Dissolved inorganic carbon isotope composition of waters Urbanc,J.;Trek,B.;Pezdi,J.;Lojen,S.
- Stable Isotopes and Plant Carbon-Water Relations Variability of carbon isotope fractionation during photosynthesis Vogel,J.C.;J.R.Ehleringer(ed.);A.E.Hall(ed.);G.D.Farquhar(ed.)
- International symposium on biofouled aquifers: prevention and restoration Groundwater biogeochemistry of iron and manganese in relation to well water quality Vuorinen,A.;Carlson,L.;Tuovinen,O.H.;Cullimore,D.R.(ed.)
- Geochemical Journal v.9 15N abundance in nitrogen of naturally occurring substances and global assessment of denitrification from isotopic view of point Wada,E.;Kadonaga,T.;Matsuo,S.
Applied Geochemistry
Evaluation of the origin and fate of nitrate in the Abbotsford Aquifer using the isotopes of
$^{15}N$ and$^{18}O$ in$NO_3^-$ Wassenaar,L. - Jour. of Hydrol. v.112 Seasonal fluctuations in 15N of groundwater nitrate in a mantled karst aquifer due to macropore transport of fertilizer-derived nitrate Wells,E.R.;Krothe,N.C.
- California. Environ. Sci. Technol. v.32 Natural and anthropogenic nitrate contamination of groundwater in a rural community Williams,A.E.;Lund,L.J.;Johnson,J.A.;Kabala,Z.J.
- Enviromental Isotopes in the Hydrological Cycle Principles and Aplications, VolumeⅠ: introduction, theory, methods, review Willem,G.M.;Vries,J.J.
- Nature v.317 Oxygen isotope ratios in N₂O from vitrification at a wastewater treatment facility Yoshinari,T.;Wahlene,M.