AR(l) 공정을 탐지하는 VSS $\overline{A}$ 관리도의 통계적 설계

Statistical Design of VSS $\overline{A}$ Charts for Monitoring an AR(1) Process

  • 이재헌 (광주대학교 산업정보공학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.09.01


A basic assumption in standard applications of control charts is that the observations are statistically independent. However, this assumption is often violated from processes in many industries. The presence of autocorrelation has a serious impact on the performance of control charts, causing a dramatic increase in the frequency of false alarms. This paper considers a process in which the observations can be modeled as a first order autoregressive(AR(1)) process, and develops (equation omitted) charts with the variable sample size(VSS) scheme for monitoring the mean of this process.



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