기업의 품질경영 실태와 성과인식에 관한 연구

A study on the quality management status and performance recognition of enterprises

  • 이만표 (한국표준협회 품질경영연구개발팀장, 인하대학교 교육대학원)
  • 발행 : 2003.09.01


The purpose of this study is to identify (1) the successful quality management activities of domestic enterprises contribute to enhancing both corporate and national competitiveness and that the corporate and national competitiveness are related each other; (2) and to have the government and the citizens as well as enterprises re-recognize the importance of quality management and encourage them to make aggressive investments on quality management. It was found in this study that the enterprises with quality management scheme showed better performance that those without quality management activities. It was also found that quality competitiveness is a key factor for the enhancement of the national competitiveness, and that although quality improvement is normally realized through efforts of private enterprises (a conventional paradigm), active government support and participation are absolutely necessary for the competitiveness of the nation and industries. Accordingly, the quality management should be recognized not only as part of business improvement activities, but as nationwide activities where public sectors including government enterprises, hospitals, schools, regional governments, media companies and citizens groups are involved. In order to build a high-quality nation in the 21st century, the quality improvement should be realized through concerted efforts of the people, enterprises and the government.



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