세리신잠(Nd-s. $Nd^H$의 발육 특성

The Developmental Characterization of the Sericin jam(Bombyx mori), a Mutant in the Synthesis and Secretion of Fibroin

  • 김수연 (경상북도농업기술원) ;
  • 손해룡 (경북대학교 농업생명과학대학)
  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


세리신잠의 성장발육과 실용형질 등 세리신잠의 특성을 알아보기 위하여 Nd-s잠과 N$d^{H}$잠을 대상으로 조사하여 얻은 실험결과는 다음과 같았다. 1. 최청기간은 Nd-s잠 10일 2시간, N$d^{H}$ 잠 10일 1시간, 백옥잠은 11일 1시간이었다. 실용부화율에 있어서 Nd-s잠과 Nd.$^{H}$ 잠은 83.9%와 83.3%였고, 백옥잠은 96%였다. 전령경과일수는 Nd-s잠 20일 1시간 N$d^{H}$잠 20일 5시간, 백옥잠 22일 12시간이었다. 2. 감잠비율은 Nd-s잠 12.0%, N$d^{H}$ 잠 18.7%, 백옥잠 5.3%이었으며, 화용비율은 Nd-s잠 83.0%, N$d^{H}$ 잠 76.3%, 백옥잠 92.3%였다. 3. 단견중은 Nd-s잠 1.39 g, N$d^{H}$ 잠 1.08g, 백옥잠 2.01 g, 전견중은 Nd-s 잠 13 cg, N$d^{H}$ 잠 3 cg, 백옥잠 48 cg이였으며, 견층비율은 Nd-s 잠 9.0%, N$d^{H}$ 잠 2.8%, 백옥잠 23.9%였다. 4. 고치의 크기는 Nd-s잠 장경 30.6mm, 단경 15.8mm, N$d^{H}$ 잠 장경 24.7mm, 단경 14.9mm, 백옥잠 장경 35.8mm, 단경 20.5mm이었다.5.8mm, 단경 20.5mm이었다.

This experiment was done to know developmental characteristics of Sericin jam. Incubation periods were 10 day 2 hr, and 10 day 1 hr. 11 day 1 hr for Nd-s jam, N $d^{H}$ jam, and Baegok jam, respectively. Hatching rates were 83.9, 83.3 and 96.0% for Nd-s jam, N $d^{H}$ jam, and Baegok jam. Larval periods were, 20 days 1 hr for Nd-s jam, 20 days 5 hrs for N $d^{H}$ jam, and 22 days 12 hrs for Baegok jam. Death rate of larvae was highest in N $d^{H}$ iam, followed by Nd-s jam and Baegok jam. Pupation rate was highest in Baegok Jam followed by Nd-s jam and that of N $d^{H}$ jam was the lowest among the three. Cocoon weight was 1.39, 1.08, and 2.01 g for Nd-s jam, N $d^{H}$ jam, and Baegok jam, respectively. Shell weight were 13, 3, and 48 cg for Nd-s jam, N $d^{H}$ jam, and Baegok jam. Cocoon shell ratios were 9.0% for Nd-s jam, 2.8% for N $d^{H}$ jam and 23.9% for Baegok jam. Cocoon sizes were 30.6${\times}$15.8 mm for Nd-s jam, 24.7${\times}$14.9 mm for N $d^{H}$ jam and 35.8 ${\times}$ 20.5 mm(1${\times}$w) for Baegok jam.w) for Baegok jam.



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