촉매연소기에서 2단 공급공기와 연료가 NOx 저감에 미치는 연구

NOx Reduction with Secondary Air and Fuel in a Catalytic Combustor

  • 정진도 (호서대학교 환경공학과) ;
  • 이보영 (호서대학교 대학원 환경공학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.10.01


A basic experimental study was conducted in order to find the optimum combustion control technology to decrease the thermal NO$_{x}$, by applying the catalytic combustion method with natural gas. NO$_{x}$ emission increased with increasing space velocity due to temperature rising in the furnace. In order to overcome the low resistance to high temperature, secondary air was supplied to the CST combustor. The following secondary fuel formed combustible mixture in part, which resulted in steep increase of the exiting temperature of the 2nd catalyst bed. It led to the more generator of NO$_{x}$, 30∼60% of the 1 st catalyst bed. It might be due to the potential increase of thermal NO$_{x}$.



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