개에서 Conjugated Linoleic Acid와 Carprofen이 실험적 골관절염 초기 진행에 미치는 효능

The Efficacy of Conjugated Linoleic Acid and Carprofen in Progression of Early Stage of Experimentally Induced Osteoarthritis in Dogs

  • Park, Se-il (Department of Veterinary Medicine Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Bae, Jae-sung (Department of Veterinary Medicine Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Kwon, Young-sam (Department of Veterinary Medicine Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Jang, Hwan-soo (Department of Veterinary Medicine Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Li, Wen-xue (Department of Veterinary Medicine Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Lim, Jae-hyun (Department of Veterinary Medicine Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Eom, Ki-dong (Department of Veterinary Medicine Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Kim, Jung-eun (Department of Veterinary Medicine Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Jang, Kwang-ho (Department of Veterinary Medicine Kyungpook National University)
  • 발행 : 2003.09.01


개에서 실험적으로 앞쪽 십자인대 중간부를 절단한 다음 초기 병변을 관찰하고 그 초기 병변에 대한 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), carprofen 그리고 두 약물의 병용에 따른 효과를 비교하고자 본 실험이 수행되었다. 실험견은 앞쪽 십자인대를 파열한 CLA 처치군, Carprofen 처치군, CLA와 Carprofen 병용처치군 그리고 양성대조군과 파열하지 않은 정상견으로 구성된 음성대조군으로 총 5개군으로 분류하고 각 군에 5두씩 배치하였다. 실험견의 무릎관절 외측 피부를 절개하고 관절낭 외측을 절개한 다음 앞쪽 십자인대 중간부로 판단되는 부위를 절단하였다. Carprofen과 CLA는 수술 후 4주부터 4주 동안 경구 투여하였다 수술후 8주 후에 육안적, 조직학적 평가를 실시하였다. 조직학적 검사로는 hematoxylin and eosin 염색, standard toluidine blue, PAS 그리고 Masson trichrome 염색법을 이용하였으며 혈액학적, 그리고 방사선학적 검사를 실시하였다. 조직학적 검사와 혈액학적 검사에서 유의적인 변화는 나타나지 않았다. 방사선 검사에서는 앞쪽 십자인대 파열에 따른 대퇴골과 경골의 정렬이상과 부종이 모든 군에서 나타났으며 육안적 검사에서는 대부분 실험견의 대퇴 연골 표면상이 엷은 황색을 보였다. 이상의 결과를 통하여 실험적으로 유발된 개의 앞쪽 십자인대 파열에 대해 CLA, carprofen그리고 이들의 합제는 초기 변화상에서 뚜렷한 변화를 나타내지 않았다.

This study was performed to compare early stage changes following the administrations of Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA), Carprofen and their combinations in the experimental canine cranial cruciate ligament rupture. Twenty five mongrel dogs were divided into five groups; Groups 1, 2, and 3 received a sectioning the cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) of the right stifle joint, and were administered CLA (250 mg/kg/day/orally), carprofen (4.4 mg/kg/day/orally), and their combinations for 4 weeks beginning 4 weeks postsurgery, respectively. Group 4 received sectioning CCL and no treatment. Group 5 was composed of unoperated normal dogs. The macroscopic observation of cartilage erosions on both the condyles and plateaus were evaluated, and the severity of the cartilage lesions and synovial inflammation was examined histologically at eight weeks after surgery. Histological examinations including hematoxylin and eosin stain, standard toluidine blue method, PAS technique and Masson trichrome technique, hematologic and radiographic evaluation were perfonned after experimental surgery. Slight yellowish discoloration of the surface was found in some of the experimental dogs. However macroscopic findings showed no significant differences among the groups. In radiographic findings, cranial displacement of the proximal tibia relative to the femoral condyles in all groups was observed but no significant differences among the groups was seen. This study showed that oral administration of CLA, carprofen and their combinations revealed no early stage change in the canine stifle joint following experimental rupture of the cranial cruciate ligament.



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