중년여성의 상반신 측면체형 특성에 관한 연구

A Study for the Properties of Upper Body Somatotype of Lateral View for Middle-aged Women

  • 김소라 (동덕여자대학교 의상디자인학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.11.01


The somatotype classification of this study was to manufacture well-fitted clothes for middle-aged women. The somatotype classification of the upper body of lateral view was based on previous studies, and 4 postures, straight posture, leaning back posture, bent forward posture, and swayback posture were selected for this study. The front of leaning back posture was longer and wider than that of straight posture, and its front neck depth was deeper. Its front interscye breadth was wider and back interscye breadth was narrower. S.N.P. B.P. front waistline length, waist front length, front diagonal length, chest shedder length, front waistline shoulder line length were longer, and S.N.P. scapular back waistline length, back length, back shoulder length, back diagonal length, shoulder line back waistline length were shorter. On the contrary, the front of bent forward posture was shorter and narrower than that of straight posture, and its back neck depth was deeper. The properties of swayback posture were similar to those of bent forward posture. Its front was shorter and narrower, but the results of front neck depth and back neck depth were like those of straight posture.



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