인적 유대와 인터넷 의존

Interpersonal Tie and Internet Dependency

  • 발행 : 2003.08.01


The reciprocal relationship between the interpersonal tie and the internet dependency is focused in the study. Mainly, chi-squire test and ANOVA are used in testing the hypothesized relationship of the internet dependency with the interpersonal tie before and after using internet. The strong relationship with the internet dependency is found in internet's both-directional communicating function such as chatting, game, gambling, etc. The level of internet dependency is high when individual's tie with friends, colleagues, or neighbors is strong; but it is lower when individual's emotional tie with family members is stronger. It is confirmed that excessive usage of internet damages family relationship. Conversely, it is also clear that the emotional support from family members is essential for preventing or enhancing internet dependency. This implies that internet dependency is not an individual problem, but that it should be treated under the consideration of his/her family system.



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