한부모가족을 위한 교육 및 상담 활성화 방안 및 효율적 정보전달체계 연구

Developmental Alternatives and Effective Information Service System of Education and Counseling for Single-Parent Families

  • 김경신 (전남대학교 생활환경복지학과/여성 연구소)
  • 발행 : 2003.07.01


The purposes of this research were to investigate the conditions of education and counseling for single-parent families and to propose developmental alternatives and effective information service system. For these objectives, the concurrent-type program for single-parent families that emphasized communication skills, psychological strategies, and the importance of family relationships was constructed. The effectiveness of the program was evaluated by pre-, post test through 163 single parents and their children and it was analyzed by paired t-test. The results suggested that the program was effective in improving self-esteem, satisfaction of life and communication. Several programs for single-parent families using on-line or off-line were analyzed and more effective alternatives were proposed. For improving of wellbeing of single-parent families, the welfare system must be changed to cooperation with other institutions and systematic information service network.



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