The Impacts of Digital Markets on Consumers: Emerging Costs and Benefits of Digital Markets to Consumers

디지털시장이 소비자에게 미치는 영향: 소비자의 이익과 비용을 중심으로

  • 김기옥 (성균관대학교 가족경영·소비자학전공)
  • Published : 2003.01.01


This study delves into emerging costs and benefits of digital markets to consumers through in-depth interviews with 5 women and 4 men consumers. Four themes are founded from the analysis of the transcript as follows: 1) benefits of Internet shopping consisted with convenience, price efficiency, and fun, 2) distorted efficiencies consisted with distorted price efficiency, distorted time efficiency, and limited choices based on familiarity, 3) addiction to digital market consisted with waste, distorted satisfaction, and solidarity, and 4) stages in consumer types according to shopping experiences from the novice, the explorer, the expert, and the addict in part and the addict in part. These themes imply consumer benefits from economic and esthetic aspects and mixed consumer costs according to consumer's level of informatization. This study concludes that the digital market is morphogenic, flexible, fluid market and therefore, the real features of the digital market are yet to come. More research attention should be highlighted in the impacts of digital market to consumers from various perspectives with various methodologies.



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