Formulation of New Hyperbolic Time-shift Covariant Time-frequency Symbols and Its Applications

  • Iem, Byeong-Gwan (Department of Control and Instrumentation Engineering Kangnung National University)
  • 발행 : 2003.03.01


We propose new time-frequency (TF) tools for analyzing linear time-varying (LTV) systems and nonstationary random processes showing hyperbolic TF structure. Obtained through hyperbolic warping the narrowband Weyl symbol (WS) and spreading function (SF) in frequency, the new TF tools are useful for analyzing LTV systems and random processes characterized by hyperbolic time shifts. This new TF symbol, called the hyperbolic WS, satisfies the hyperbolic time-shift covariance and scale covariance properties, and is useful in wideband signal analysis. Using the new, hyperbolic time-shift covariant WS and 2-D TF kernels, we provide a formulation for the hyperbolic time-shift covariant TF symbols, which are 2-D smoothed versions of the hyperbolic WS. We also propose a new interpretation of linear signal transformations as weighted superposition of hyperbolic time shifted and scale changed versions of the signal. Application examples in signal analysis and detection demonstrate the advantages of our new results.



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