고양이 전염성복막염의 자연감염 예

Feline infectious peritonitis : A case report

  • 발행 : 2003.03.01


A 8 months old, female domestic Shorthair cat with long-term signalment of anorexia, lacrimation, uveitis and coughing was submitted to the Pathology and Diagnosis Reference Division, NVRQS, Korea, for necropsy. Main gross lesions were characterized by ascities, some grayish-white nodular formation and fibrous adhesion on the surface of visceral organs including liver and kidney. Principle histopathological findings were fibrinous serositis, multifocal granuloma and necrosis, vasculitis, perivasculitis in various pharenchymal organs. Paraffin-embedded tissue sections taken from most of organs with granulomatous lesions were confirmed specific reaction to the monoclonal antibody of feline infectious peritonitis virus in the cytoplasm of many infiltrating macrophages by immunohistochemistry. The report was to describe the pathological lesions of the first naturally-occuring FIP case in companion cat of Korea.



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