The Modern Perspective in Fashion Illustration

패션일러스트레이션에 나타난 현대적 원근법

  • Published : 2003.11.01


The purpose of this study is to develop a creative perspective technique in fashion illustration through analyzing perspective in visual art experienced a great variety. This study was analyzed by examining the general theories based on the discovery of perspective and investigating the modern perspective in fashion illustration related to the method of spatial expression in visual art. A complex perspective of existing perspective gives the effect of reapperance of actual space and three-dimentional form in a plane. Because of being used as not only one perspective technique but also some perspectives technique, its expression can be more realistic. An amplified perspective gives the effect of visual illusion just like being suck in space inside and come out from screen outside by distorting the human body. A confused perspective of space gives the visual illusional effect of collapsing actual space and misunderstanding three-dimensional form by distorting the form of the space and changing the nature as an object of fashion. A reiterated or duplicated perspective gives effect of interpreting invisible space as imaginary space by overlapping and eliminating the object of fashion. An irrational perspective of spatial illusion gives the effect of disorganization experienced thinking by strange shapes and new recognition of irrational space by extraordinary visual connection. It has a tendency to surrealism. In conclusion, the modern perspective in fashion illustration has made the best use of not only new perspective since 1980, but general perspective before 1980. By the modern perspective expression. the viewer has made a chance to experience imaginary spaces indirectly, and the author has been able to express emotions by his or her new attempt in the screen.



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