- WRC-2000 결의 736, WRC-2003 결과
- FCC CFR47 Part 15 Subpart E -Unlisenced National Information Infrastructure Device
- ERC REPORT 72 'Compatibility Studies Related to the Possibile Extension Band for HiperLAN at 5GHz' May. 1999
- ERC REPORT 67 'Study of the Frequency Sharing Between HiperLANs and MSS Feeder Links in the 5GHz Band' February, 1999
- ETSI TS 101 475, Broadband Radio Access Network(BRAN):HiperLAN Type 2: Physical(PHY) layer
- 임재우 '초고속 무선서비스를 위한 5GHz대역 주파수 이용방안 연구' 연구소 전파기술세미나 p111-132. Dec, 2001
- 임재우 '5GHz대 주파수 공유기술 및 주파수 활용방안' 초고속무선랜 포럼 무선랜 활성화 세니나 Dec, 2002
- 전파연구소 '5GH2대역 무선접속망 연구' 보고서 Dec. 2001, 2002
- ITU-R Document 8A-9B/201-E, Specturm requirement analysis for the implementation of broadband NWA networks, 13. Mar. 2002
- ITU-R Recommendation M.1450, Characteristics of broadband radio local networks, 2003
- ITU-R Recommendation M.1652, Dynamic frequency selection in wireless access systems including radio local area networks for the purpose of protecting the radiOdetermination service in the 5GHz band 2003
- ITU-R Recommendation SA.1632 Sharing in the band 5250-5350MHz between the earth exploration satellite service and wireless access systems in the mobile service, 2003
- ITU-R Recommendation F.1613, Operational and deployment requirement for fixed wireless acces systems in the fixed service in Region 3 to ensure the protection of systems in the earth exploration satellite service in the band 5250-5350MHz, 2003