Early and Uniform Maturation in Silkworm Bombyx mori L. by Phytoecdysteroid Extracted from a Plant of Family Caryophyllaceae

  • Trivedy, Kanika (Central Sericultural Research and Training Institute) ;
  • Nair, K.Sashindran (Central Sericultural Research and Training Institute) ;
  • Ramesh, M. (Central Sericultural Research and Training Institute) ;
  • Gopal, Nisha (Central Sericultural Research and Training Institute) ;
  • Kumar, S.Nirmal (Central Sericultural Research and Training Institute)
  • 발행 : 2003.09.01


One of the biggest problems encountered during the last phase of silkworm rearing is non-uniform maturation of the silkworms especially during cooler months. Phytoecdysteroid (20-hydroxy ecdysone) was extracted in large-scale from a plant belongs to Caryophyllaceae and fed to silkworm larvae to test the effect of phytoecdysteroid. About 80% of the silkworms were ready for mounting by 18 hrs after treatment (when the treatment is done for uniform spinning), whereas in control batch only 37% worms were ready for mounting by the same time.



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