• Lanzafame, R. (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering University) ;
  • Messina, M. (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering University)
  • 발행 : 2003.09.01


Several models for the evaluation of Gross Heat Release from the internel combustion engine (ICE) are often used in literature. One of these is the First Law - Single Zone Model (FL-SZM), derived from the First Law of Thermodynamic. This model present a twice advantage: first it describes with accuracy the physic of the phenomenon (charge heat release during the combustion stroke and heat exchange between gas and cylinder wall); second it hat a great simplicity in the mathematical formulation. The evaluation of Heat Release with the FL-SZM is based on pressure experimental measurements inside the cylinder, and ell the assumption of several parameters as the specific heat ratio, wall temperature, polytropic exponent for the motored cycle evaluation, and many others. In this paper the influence of gases thermodynamic properties on Cross Heat Release has been esteemed. In particular the influence of an appropriate equation for k=k(T) (specific heat ratio vs. temperature) which describes the variations of gases thermodynamic properties with the mean temperature inside the cylinder has been evaluated. This equation has been calculated by new V order Logarithmic Polynomials (VoLP), fitting experimental gases properties through the least square methods.



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