복잡한 통신 시스템의 성능분석을 위한 유한소스 대기 모형

Finite Source Queueing Models for Analysis of Complex Communication Systems

  • Che-Soong Kim (Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Sangji University)
  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


This paper deals with a First-Come, First-Served queueing model to analyze the behavior of heterogeneous finite source system with a single server Each sources and the processor are assumed to operate in independently Markovian environments, respectively. Each request is characterized by its own exponentially distributed source and service time with parameter depending on the state of the corresponding environment, that is, the arrival and service rates are subject to random fluctuations. Our aim is to get the usual stationary performance measures of the system, such as, utilizations, mean number of requests staying at the server, mean queue lengths, average waiting and sojourn times. In the case of fast arrivals or fast service asymptotic methods can be applied. In the intermediate situations stochastic simulation Is used. As applications of this model some problems in the field of telecommunications are treated.



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