ISD모델 단계별 HRD 베스트 프랙티스 연구

Best Practices of HRD in the Steps of ISD Model

  • 이만표 (한국표준협회 품질경영연구개발팀, 인하대학교 교육대학원)
  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


The 21st century is called “an era of creation” or “an era of speed.” These are flat expressions requiring a fierce competition between individuals, corporations and nations. In a reality in which we should make new things continuously within a short period of time, the world best benchmarking can become a good alternative. The world best practice can be called “a mode of operation” that has created the world's best performance in a particular field of managerial activities. It is very meaningful for the nations' corporations, which have a lower competitiveness than world-class ones and weak points in the area of human resources development, in particular, to benchmark the world-class corporations' best practices of HRD. Therefore, this study is conducted in conformity with a model of the Instructional Systems Designs for the Total Quality Education that brings the structure of the world-class corporations' best practices of HRD into line with that of the Total Quality Management. That is, analysis, design, development, implementation and assessment are included in this study.



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