신장전문간호사 수요추계에 관한 연구

A Study on the Projected Workforce of Nephrology Clinical Nurse Specialist(CNS) in Korea

  • 발행 : 2003.04.01


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to study the projected workforce of nephrology CNS in Korea. Method: Need models, ratio methods and expert opinion were used for projecting needs for the nephrology CNS. Result: In 2001, there are 28,046 ESRD(end stage of renal disease)patients, 304 renal replacement centers and 1695 nephrology nurses in Korea. the hemodialysis patients per hemodialysis nurse was 12. The number of nephrology CNS required to meet the demand for caring of ESRD patients in 2002, 2005 and 2020 was estimated at 616, 837 and 3105, respectively. 47 ESRD patients per nephrology CNS was revealed as a workforce standard before 2005. After 2005, It was 31 ESRD patients per nephrology CNS. Conclusion: This study founded the need to project future increments and development in supply of qualified nephrology CNS.



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