Stimulation of Tissue Transglutaminase Activity by Clostridium botulinum Neurotoxin Type B

  • Moon, Yu-Seok (Department of Biological Science, Korea advanced institute of Science and Technology) ;
  • Gi-Hyeok (Microbial Toxin Research Institute, Medy-Tox Inc.) ;
  • Rhee, Sang-Dal (Department of Biological Science, Korea advanced institute of Science and Technology) ;
  • Jung, Hyun-Ho (Microbial Toxin Research Institute, Medy-Tox Inc.,Division of Applied Biological Sciences, Sunmoon University)
  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


Recombinant light chain of Clostridium botulinum neurotoxin type B stimulated transglutaminase activity in a dose dependent manner, Compared to native toxin, recombinant light chain showed av greater stimulatory effect on transglutaminase activity. Zn-chelating agents, inhibiting the proteolytic activity of the clostridial toxins, did not interfere with this stimulation. These results suggest that the light chain plays a major stimulatory role, which is not due to its metallopeptidase activity, but is possibly due to specific interaction with transglutaminase. More importantly, this report provides a new insight into the intracellular action of C. botulinum neurotoxins.



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