- 교육인적자원부장관 인정 교과서 초등학교 정보와 도서관;중학교 정보와 도서관;고등학교 정보와 도서관 김용철(등)
- 교육학 연구 v.38 no.4 다중지능이론에 기초한 교수학습방법 연구 신명희
- 교육학 연구 v.35 no.3 다중지능이론과 학교교육 개선에 관한 연구 심우엽
- Information Power: Building Partnerships for Learning AASL;AECT
- Final Report Presidential Committee on Information Literacy ALA
- Multiple intelligences in the classroom Armstrong,T.
- Reference Librarian v.24 Politics for bridging the gap Breivik,P.S.
- Seven Faces of Information Literacy Bruce,C.S.
- CMLEA Journal v.17 no.2 Information-literate use of telecommunications Doyle,C.S.
- School Library Media Annual v.8 Learning style and library media programs Dunn,R.;Smith,J.B.
- Information Problem-Solving: The Big Six Skills Approach to Library and Information Skulls Instruction Eizenberg,Michael B.;Robert E. Ber-kowitz
- Frames of mind: the theory of multiple intelligence;마음의 틀 Gardner,H.;이경희(역)
- Multiple Intelligence: The theory in practice;다중지능 이론의 이론과 실제 Gardner,H.;김명희(역);이경희(역)
- Information literacy instruction: the teory and practice Grassian,E.S.;Kaplowitz,J.R.
- The Reference Librarian v.44 Assessing information skills instruction Grover,R.
- IFLA/UNESCO School Library Guidelines IFLA
- Library Trends v.39 no.3 Learning style theory and learning transfer principles during reference interview instruction Hensley,R.
- Study and Information Skills Across the Curriculum Irving,Ann
- Making the writing and research connection with the I-Search Process Joyce,M.Z.;Tallman,J.I.
- Experiential learning Kolb,D.A.
- School Library Media Quarterly v.22 no.1 Information Search Process: A Summary of Research and Implications for School Library Media Programs Kuhlthau, Carol C.
- Seekining meaning: a process approach to library and information services Kuhlthau, Carol C.
- Information for a new age The instructional role of the library media specialist in the information age school Kuhlthau, Carol C.
- About learning McCarthy,B.
- Information Studies, K-12 Ontario School Library Association OSLA
- Pathways to Knowledge: Follett's Information Skills Model. Kit Pappas, Marjorie
- Brainstorms and Blueprints Stripling, Barbara K.;Judy M. Pitts
- Information literacy and information skill instruction: applying research to practice in the school library media center Tomas, Nancy P.
- The Information Service Environment Relationships and Priorities Zurowski, Paul
Cited by
- A Study on the School Library for Constructivism in Teaching /Learning vol.44, pp.1, 2010,
- An Analysis of Multiple Intelligences' Effect on Book Selection Preferences vol.43, pp.4, 2009,