Numerical Simulation of Environmental Pollutants at Yosu, Korea and Comparison with Measured Data

  • Lee, S. D. (Dep. Of Environmental En., Mokpo National University) ;
  • A. Kondo (Dep. Of Environmental En., Mokpo National University) ;
  • K. Yoshimura (Dep. of Environmental Eng., Osaka University) ;
  • K. Yamaguchi (Dep. Of Environmental Eng., Osaka University) ;
  • A. Kaga (Dep. of Environmental Eng., Osaka University)
  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


The atmospheric pollution distribution in the industrial area of Yosu in Korea is calculated using numerical model and the model is validated by comparing the calculations with observed data. The emission of NO$_{x}$ and SO$_{x}$ was estimated for 6 sources, and the emission amount of HC was estimated for 9 anthropogenic sources. The calculated wind speed, wind direction and temperature agreed well with the observed data at two observatories, and the calculated concentration of NO, NO$_2$, $O_3$ and SO$_2$ were also reasonable for 5 monitoring stations. The validity of the model is evaluated using 3 indexes of the EPA, and the model is found to be valid and accurate.ate.



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