A Study of the Characteristics of the High-Flowable Concrete

고유동콘크리트의 특성에 관한 실험적 연구

  • Published : 2003.06.01


In this research, we used fly-ash and blast-furnace slag as substitute material of cement and fine aggregate, and we, through experiments, researched and analyzed the features of high-flowable concrete added high efficiency AE water reduction agent. The results are below. 1. Liquefaction generally presented high-slump flow value; on the other hand, partial segregation was observed in case of mixing proportion with 65 cm slump flow and above. This segregation was partially improved in accordance with mixing admixture. 2. Compressive strength according to mixing admixture and increasing mixing ratio of fly-ash were subject to be declined when it was initially cast-in, but its gap was improved when time was fully passed. 3. After mixing blast-furnace slag and fly-ash as substitute material, the result showed that the modulus of elasticity against freezing & melting was improved according to mixing blast-furnace slag and also increased in accordance with increasing pulverulent-body volume. 4. According to increasing the mixing volume of fly-ash, the durability factor was deteriorated because compressive strength became lower as well as air content was decreased when it was initially case-in. 5. The minimum air content to secure durability was 3.7%, for that reason, we had better secure admixture such as air entraining agent when cast-in high-flowable concrete.



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