Implementation and Verification of Distance Relay Models for Real Time Digital Simulator

실시간 전력계통 시뮬레이터를 이용한 보호계전모델 개발

  • Published : 2003.07.01


This paper discusses how to implement and verify a software model of the digital relay that can be added to real time digital simulator(RTDS) model library and is then subjected to the same outputs as the actual relay. The software model is stand-alone and can be used with real relays. It is also possible to conduct interactive real-time tests when the system effects of the relay action need to be investigated. The characteristics of mho type and the quadrilateral type, which is commonly used in recently developed relays, are modeled in this paper. Single circuit line and double circuit line system are used for model verification. The transmission lines are each 100 km in length and are modeled as distributed parameter lines but not frequency dependent. The transmission lines in the single circuit system are modeled as ideally transposed line. The mutual coupling data with the parallel line was taken account in the transmission lines for the double circuit system. The main CTs and PTs are included and operated in their linear region during the tests. For the purpose of testing the relay model accuracy the faults have been applied at various points on the protected line. Its accuracy is assessed against theoretical values.



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